Building a Stronger and Safer Pierce County through the Fair and Equal Application of Law, Not Politics
Brian believes that a community is built and depends for its survival on the equal application of law, unfettered by the whims of politics.
It is law that gives us the security we need to leave our homes unattended while we go out and work to build our families and our community. It is law that provides for police to defend us, and it is law that ensures they do so properly.
In our system of government, laws are written by the legislature, which is elected by the people specifically for that purpose. They are not created by trial court judges. Things as important as bail decisions must not be shaped by the prevailing political winds or influenced by the immutable characteristics of the parties. They must be based on law-fairly and equally applied to all, regardless of such characteristics. There can be no justice where people who have behaved similarly are not treated similarly.
Ensuring that Everyone is Heard
Everyone should be treated fairly, but this cannot happen if everyone does not have similar access to the courts. Brian is committed to fostering and supporting efforts to increase equal access to justice, regardless of the immutable characteristics or financial resources of potential litigants.
Promoting Equitable Solutions
An equal application of law based solely on the law does not mean inequitable results. Where there is room for discretion to consider the life history of criminal defendants to reach a more just result, it must be used. Brian supports alternative solutions such as Mental Health, Drug, and Veterans Courts.
Brian looks forward to working to build a stronger and safer Pierce County through the equal application of the law, uninfluenced by politics or immutable characteristics.